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Avis:   Tous nos programmes de patinage sont complets pour la saison 2024/25. Veuillez nous recontacter en août 2025. 


Notice: All our programs are full for 2024/25 season. Please contact us in August 2025 for Fall & Winter 2025/26.  






1- Create an Account 

You must login or create a Member account to register for programs if this is your first time registering on this site. 

You can create a Family Account under your name and add participants. Each skater will need their own Participant profile.

2- Find a program& Register



3- On your way !!
Once you have chosen your program(s), you will need to read and accept all of the waivers. Please note that you will be unable to continue with your registration until this step is completed.
Click on button "Confirm & Pay in Person".  Please keep a copy of your confirmation for your records.
You can pay by either cheque or e-transfer
- cheques can be made out to the "CP Lakeshore" and mailed to Lakeshore Skating Club, Attention: Registrar
P.O. Box 40520, Kirkland, QC, H9H 5G8
- e-transfers can be sent to
Please note that season registration can only be guaranteed upon receipt of payment.

4- Calendar

Please make sure to check the calendar for closed arena days and holidays!

We hope you have an awesome season and please don't hesitate to contact us at : for any questions you may have. 



Please contact :